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Business and Employment Opportunities

During construction, Northern Water is expected to create several hundred new jobs across the Far North, Upper Spencer Gulf and Eyre Peninsula regions. Northern Water is also expected to generate flow on benefits to the local and State economies by around $430 million Gross Regional Product (GRP) over the construction period.

There are a variety of ways you can connect with and/or provide goods and services to the Northern Water project outlined below.

Sub-contractor opportunities

  1. Register with the Industry Capability Network (ICN) (all suppliers are required to be registered on this platform).
  2. Regional South Australian businesses can also connect with Tactic which will be working with proponents during the tender phase to support the use of local businesses in delivering the project. Tactic is an independent member-driven organisation that fast tracks the linking of local supplier capability to major project proponents, supporting their success through supply chain integrity. With extensive industry links Tactic is a trusted source of regional intelligence to all levels of government and business. For more information visit Tactic.

Direct supply of goods and services to Northern Water

Opportunities to supply goods and services directly to Northern Water will be listed at SA Tenders and Contracts.

The procurement process for the primary project delivery contract has commenced.

An update was provided via SA Tenders and Contracts following the release date for the REOI.

Further information is available about the principal contract and procurement process.

Further information will be published as it becomes available.

Employment opportunities

Employment opportunities to work directly for Northern Water, when available, are advertised at I WORK FOR SA.

Most employment opportunities from the project will be provided by the successful delivery contractor. Northern Water will be working with stakeholders in the local area to identify opportunities to support workforce development and programs to enable the significant economic opportunities of the project to benefit the local workers, businesses and communities of the Far North, Upper Spencer Gulf and Eyre Peninsula regions of South Australia.